Sometimes the people around you won't understand your journey. They don't need to - it's not for them.
If you are reading this, then I hope that something good happens to you today -x- |
Well, its been a crazy few months for me, lots of things have been happening, that sometimes it is hard to keep up! Just to recap, I have sold my house and once complete I am buying a Motorhome and going travelling. I write about this in my blog as something to eventually look back on, maybe miles away on a rainy afternoon?
I have much to say in these blog posts, just my [warped?] view on society, the way we are EXPECTED to live our lives, and the crap we are supposed to deal with!
This blog is just a forum for me to empty my head into, so if you agree or like it- keep reading, if not- give it a miss!
This blog is how I see the world, my PERSONAL views and opinions. Enjoy?
During May, on a particular warm and sunny Saturday, I took my old Mum to a local fete, which she loved, she doesn't get out much, so it made a nice change for her. Sometimes it is the simple pleasures in life, at the end of the day she said "I LOVED today".
The following day found me travelling for a couple of hours to have a look at a lovely border collie called WOODY.
Sadly he wasn't for me, it was quite clear that he had severe mental issues!
Then on the Monday I was off on my travels again... and I can now introduce the newest member of the Fox family. He is a 5 month old little rascal, and I am calling him 'BODHI' [pronounced Bow-dee].
Introducing Mr Bodhi Fox. DOB 25/12/2013. |
I think [and hope] that he will be ideal for me, the farmer I bought him from said he loved travelling in the landrover, and he seemed very contented in my car.
I feel contented and very happy with my new little friend, he has a wonderful spirit.
Bodhi |
But, I am very determined, I have patience and understanding, and will do my best to coax him along with nothing but love and praise, I expect him to come out of his shell, and be a happy and well loved little boy.
Bodhi in Buddhism is the understanding possessed by a Buddha regarding the nature of things. It is traditionally translated into English with the word enlightenment and literally means awakened. So I shall be spending my time training, looking after and showing Bodhi what it is to be loved and constantly cuddled!
I love walking, my doctor says it will do the Osteoarthritis good, and I am sure little Bodhi will not want to sit still for very long!
So, all going to plan, myself and Bodhi would hope to be out of the house for a life on wheels very soon. Exciting times ahead.
I may be making videos of my travels on You Tube, if I do then I will post a link on here, for those that are interested.
Very alert little boy |
Cutie |
Isn't it crazy how we can look back a year ago and realise how much everything has changed? The amount of people that have left your life, entered, and stayed. The memories you won't ever forget and the memories you wish you did.
In a year, I have changed jobs, been sacked, been skint, become the main carer to my old Mum, been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis, seen people fade away and welcomed new people into my world.
I have friends who are no longer in a relationship, new relationships formed, changed jobs, moved home, friends who have had a terrible time recently, and friends diagnosed with awful illness and diseases.
People have died, and people have been born. It’s crazy how all that happened in just one year.
We can only hang on, and wish for a better year to come, and to take whatever positives we can from the last year.
We also need to question ourselves and review [often] how and why we live exist as we do, if it is exactly how we had imagined our lives, then we should carry on, if not, we should seek alternatives.
It’s funny how someone who was just a stranger last year, can mean so much to you now. It’s terrible that someone who meant so much to you last year can be just a stranger now. It’s amazing what a year can do.
I know a lot of what I say may be 'hippy bullshit', but these are my thoughts, deep and reflective, but always honest.
We are born in one day. We die in one day. We can change in one day, and we can fall in love in one day. Anything can happen in just one day so make this YOUR day, and every day after it. Sometimes you will never know or appreciate the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
I think you need to associate with people that inspire you, people that challenge you to rise higher, people that make you better. Don't waste your valuable time with people that are not adding to your growth. Your destiny is too important.
The very purpose of our life is happiness, which is sustained by hope. We have no guarantee about the future, but we exist in the hope of something better. Hope means keeping going, thinking, ‘I can do this.’ It brings inner strength, self-confidence, the ability to do what you do honestly, truthfully and transparently.
Too often we are entangled in short sightedness. We need to adopt a more far reaching view, have we forgotten our basic human values? If we want to live in a better world, who do we think is going to bring it about? Only we human beings. Such change won't come about if we wait for governments or the UN to take action, but if we take initiative as individuals. The more I become awake, the more I see the whole world is ridiculous, greedy, nasty and totally short sighted!
What we need is confidence and determination. Once we have those, we can set our own goals towards life in a better world.
Time is our most precious treasure because it is limited. We can produce more wealth, but we cannot produce more time. When we give someone our time, we actually give a portion of our life that we will never take back!
Time is our most precious treasure because it is limited. We can produce more wealth, but we cannot produce more time. When we give someone our time, we actually give a portion of our life that we will never take back!
The true fact is, your time is running out. It really is. You have lost today, and will never get it back. How did you spend that very precious time today and how will you spend your time tomorrow? Do at least one special thing each and every day, give thanks for this day, because [sadly] one day, it will be your last day. Make each day count.
One day you may find yourself walking down the lane of regret and sorrow.
Life is short, smile while you still have teeth!
Time [to me] isn't really that important, I don't have a bedtime or a time to eat, I tend to sleep when I feel sleepy, get up when my body wakes me, and eat if I am hungry. But this is worth thinking about...
Time decides who you meet in your life, your heart decides who you want in your life, and your behaviour decides who stays in your life.
I think we all have this perfect picture in our minds of how things are supposed to be, and thats why we all end up disappointed! The sad thing is, rather than recognising this, we tend to just plod on, whilst feeling a little disappointed becomes the norm. I firmly believe that once we look around, see what life has to offer, and the feeling of either negatively, disappointment or even perhaps resentment creeps into your mind- then it MUST be time to take stock, before you find yourself walking down the lane of regret and sorrow.
Perhaps I don't take life seriously- but then again, I don't want to. If the meaning of life is to rush off to work and get a bollocking for being 5 minutes late, or being controlled because of work [wear this, don't wear that, shave, speak this way, think our thoughts...]- then count me out!
My happiness has never and will never revolve around work. I spend my time my way, that is happiness to me!
There comes a day when you realise turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realise there’s so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.
The only keeper of your happiness is you. Stop giving people power to control your smile, your worth and your attitude. PEACE -x-
Being true to yourself is the first step to happiness. |
When you realise that you're constantly treating a person a lot better than they treat you, it’s time to make a change
Thankyou Mark for the gift of the feather [middle one]. I feel blessed -x- |
So... I have to mention the saga of my dear old Mum once again. She is desperate for help in her garden, so she got some random bloke to 'help'. She said he did no more than 5 minutes work and promised to come back the following day to mow her lawn and finish off what he never started. Obviously she has never seen him since!
He fleeced her of £25! My Mum is upset and angry, so am I.
Something terrible is going to happen if she uses any old dickhead, I can't allow that.
What do you do with old people eh? Even those in the family that offer to help get told 'No'. She told me she wants the family to visit, not to work! Bless her!!
I think my back should hold out to do it though, I never ask her- I just do it!
I am managing my Osteoarthritis quite well, it is painful most of the time, but I am usually able to put it to the back of my mind, and just get on with life. However, after a particularly busy day of potting up, mowing grass and weeding for my Mum- I was in agony!!
So, what are the options? I continue to do it? The family sort out a rota? We club together and pay a gardener once a month? Anyone in the family got an idea, please? Can we sort this out..this week?
She sometimes has the bloke from across the road do her lawn, but he is 70 this year, and broke his back a couple of years ago.
She was looking forward to seeing one of her sons, that she hasn't seen since last September. He visited her this month, arriving at 1pm and going by 3pm. Sad.
Anyway, after a recent chat with her, where she said that she would like to ride on a steam train before she dies...I have arranged this, and next weekend we will be on a very old steam train going across the Buckinghamshire countryside. I am keeping it a surprise tho!!!
It does bother me that anyone could have arranged this. It also bothers me that I have taken her to 5 fetes or sales this month, again anyone could do this for her. The reason it bothers me is that in a very short space of time, perhaps just a few more weeks, I will no longer be able to do this for her... what then?
My fave photo |
Outside- where my soul lives |
ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz |
A nice bimble in the sunshine, so good for the soul |
Licking his chops !! |
I am more than aware that I think and feel differently to a lot of people, I have no real idea why. It is true that I have become disillusioned with society, I don't fit in and don't want to- it has little to offer me. But [on the whole] I love life and love many people, I feel like the richest person in the world at times and am blessed with decent friends...but at the same time, I feel 'lost'.
I may not be someone’s first choice, but I think I'm a great choice.
I may not be rich, but I'm valuable.
I don't pretend to be someone I'm not, because I'm good at being me.
I know that I am confusing to some people, and often to myself! I describe myself as a hippy, Pagan, Buddhist, Lightworker, Spiritual wanderer who speaks in a punk/hippy way, dresses in tie-dye and rags and loves music, poetry, nature and meditation. I'm a bit of a miss-mash of things, unconventional, different, a contradiction who stinks of Patchouli... but I'm always open and honest. Some people will never like me, and I will never give a fuck.
I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery anyday!
I might not be proud of some of the things I've done in the past, but I'm proud of being able to let go of who I once was, and welcome who I am today. I may not be perfect, but I don't need to be. Take me as I am or watch me as I walk away!
Sometimes the people around you won't understand your journey. They don't need to- it's not for them.
The only people I owe my loyalty to are those who never made me question theirs.
May we all wake up. May we all become enlightened. May Mother Earth come back into balance. May we all heal - physically, emotionally, spiritually and on a planetary level. May love become our religion. -x-
5 months of whiskers !!! |
If two hearts are meant to be friends, no matter how long it takes, how far they go, how tough it seems, fate will bring them together to share friendship forever.
My message... |
Perfect sky |
This isn't true for everyone, but it might resonate with some.
I want to live simply, I don't want to be governed by money, I want to live without governments, control, the clock, or any artificial restraints that humanity willingly imposes on itself.
I want to listen to my body, fall asleep when the moon is high and wake slowly with no place to rush off too.
I want to sit by the window when it rains and read books, go on the internet, write poetry, meditate or snooze.
I want to paint, draw or write not because someone is going to pay me for my time or because I have something to prove.
I want to walk, with no place in mind and at my own pace. I want to eat and drink when I feel the need, not when I am told it is lunchtime.
I want to spend time in nature, soaking up all it has to offer, I want to watch clouds drift by, knowing I am not supposed to be somewhere else. I want to watch wildlife and enjoy all the seasons.
I don't want to prostitute myself, feeling tied down to earning money in a job I don't like.
I want to travel, to see many different places, to take photographs and enjoy the places I find. I want to do this knowing I can take as long as I want.
I don't want to live within four walls, I want less 'stuff' to clutter my life. I want to soak up scenery so that it fills my very soul.
I want to live simply, in a life that I create for myself, doing as I please, tasting freedom and experiencing total peace, fulfillment and happiness.
I want living to become the important thing, not making a living.
I just want to be me, boundless and infinite.
It’s not my job to change who I am in order to become someone else’s idea of a worthwhile human being. I am worthwhile. Not because other people think I am, but because I exist, and therefore I matter.
OMG, by the looks of this photo- I am in danger of looking like a hippy !!! |
This is from My Facebook, for those that I am not friends with over there. I may have posted this before, but can't be bothered to look!
I live my life MY way, and to be honest- fuck everyone else. This is my journey...a spiritual wanderer...When you're walking, your senses are alert. You are truly alive.
You notice curious birds hovering overhead, a blade of grass fluttering in the breeze, the sounds of a trickling stream, the shape of the cloud, and the way the wind ripples the water on the lake.
You will marvel at how the combination of all these things on this particular day at this particular moment will never again be repeated in the entire history of the universe in quite the same way, and feel so grateful.
Others may be making the same journey as you, but the paths they choose to the top may be different. They’ll see different things, and experience the day uniquely.
No one will ever experience this moment in the same way as you.
That could easily be said about ALL your life.
Like many, I made the mistake of thinking the outside ‘things’ made me happy, but I realised that true happiness comes from within. Which is why I meditate. Meditation keeps me centred and level, therefore I can deal with anything that comes my way in a calm measured way.
I'm a Buddhist, a hippy, Pagan, dreamer, Lightworker, Meditator, Author and spiritual wanderer. I am awake. I am Wanderlust.
I write a blog 'The ramblings of Bry', which I usually update on the 1st of the month. If you want to follow my journey, or just read some thought out stuff from my head, send me a PM, and I will send you the link. PEACE -x-
My interests include.................. Music, Meditation, The Sky, Family, Love, Peace, Ishi, Light, Truth, Bliss, Lightworking, Spiritualism, Feathers, Harmony, Energy, Native American Indians, Thinking, The woods, Atheism, Love, Travelling, Reading, Agnosticism, Trees, Hippies, Drumming, Stone circles, the internet, Psychology, Honesty, Buddha, Species, Nature, Hugs, Dreams, Cosmic ordering, The Great Spirit, Cosmos, Spirit, Soul, music, Angels, Past lives, Clouds, Tranquillity, Teaching, Chocolate, Choices, Nirvana, Travellers, Reincarnation, Ocean, Eyes, Freedom, Reflexology, Mountains, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Empathy, Anarchy, Crystals, Night, Astrology, Unidentified flying object, Rain, All 4 seasons, Free spirits, Books, Peace, Photos, Candles, Soulmates, the colours of the sky, Alchemy, Magick, Wishes, Dreams, Mysticism, Infinity, New Age, Third eye, Eternity, Dimensions, Quantum Physics, DNA, The Isle of Avalon, Pyramids, Rainbows, Moon, Sun, Stars, Camp fires, Drugs, Art, Sociology, Psychedelia, Consciousness, ‘into the wild’, Graves, Avalon, Scenery, Silly socks, Purple, Walking, Thinking, Being, Occult, Esoteric, Politics, Sleeping, Autumn, Lucid Dreaming, Next Life, Magnets, Eating, Confucianism, Buddhism, Science, Tattoos, Perception, Friendship, Shadow people, Children, Theology, Spirituality, Words, Meditation, Poetry, Glastonbury, Nag Champa, Karma, Writing, Crop Circles, Stonehenge, Life and Ishi-my spirit guide.
You notice curious birds hovering overhead, a blade of grass fluttering in the breeze, the sounds of a trickling stream, the shape of the cloud, and the way the wind ripples the water on the lake.
You will marvel at how the combination of all these things on this particular day at this particular moment will never again be repeated in the entire history of the universe in quite the same way, and feel so grateful.
Others may be making the same journey as you, but the paths they choose to the top may be different. They’ll see different things, and experience the day uniquely.
No one will ever experience this moment in the same way as you.
That could easily be said about ALL your life.
Like many, I made the mistake of thinking the outside ‘things’ made me happy, but I realised that true happiness comes from within. Which is why I meditate. Meditation keeps me centred and level, therefore I can deal with anything that comes my way in a calm measured way.
I'm a Buddhist, a hippy, Pagan, dreamer, Lightworker, Meditator, Author and spiritual wanderer. I am awake. I am Wanderlust.
I write a blog 'The ramblings of Bry', which I usually update on the 1st of the month. If you want to follow my journey, or just read some thought out stuff from my head, send me a PM, and I will send you the link. PEACE -x-
My interests include.................. Music, Meditation, The Sky, Family, Love, Peace, Ishi, Light, Truth, Bliss, Lightworking, Spiritualism, Feathers, Harmony, Energy, Native American Indians, Thinking, The woods, Atheism, Love, Travelling, Reading, Agnosticism, Trees, Hippies, Drumming, Stone circles, the internet, Psychology, Honesty, Buddha, Species, Nature, Hugs, Dreams, Cosmic ordering, The Great Spirit, Cosmos, Spirit, Soul, music, Angels, Past lives, Clouds, Tranquillity, Teaching, Chocolate, Choices, Nirvana, Travellers, Reincarnation, Ocean, Eyes, Freedom, Reflexology, Mountains, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Empathy, Anarchy, Crystals, Night, Astrology, Unidentified flying object, Rain, All 4 seasons, Free spirits, Books, Peace, Photos, Candles, Soulmates, the colours of the sky, Alchemy, Magick, Wishes, Dreams, Mysticism, Infinity, New Age, Third eye, Eternity, Dimensions, Quantum Physics, DNA, The Isle of Avalon, Pyramids, Rainbows, Moon, Sun, Stars, Camp fires, Drugs, Art, Sociology, Psychedelia, Consciousness, ‘into the wild’, Graves, Avalon, Scenery, Silly socks, Purple, Walking, Thinking, Being, Occult, Esoteric, Politics, Sleeping, Autumn, Lucid Dreaming, Next Life, Magnets, Eating, Confucianism, Buddhism, Science, Tattoos, Perception, Friendship, Shadow people, Children, Theology, Spirituality, Words, Meditation, Poetry, Glastonbury, Nag Champa, Karma, Writing, Crop Circles, Stonehenge, Life and Ishi-my spirit guide.
Family meet up, May 2014. |
![]() |
Mum at the meet up. |
So I have decided that once every 4 months, Jan, May and Sept, we could all get together.
So this month saw the first of these meet ups, it was a VERY wet day to begin with, but dry after 11am, and despite a 5 car pile up on the A34, loads of people turned up, 20 adults and about 8 kids.
Sadly a few people that I thought might turn up, didn't. Maybe there was something on the tele?
For those that did make the effort, it was so nice to see all the kids spending time with each other, they spent a long time in the garden playing 'tig', and generally running around to let off steam with lots of smiles and laughter.
The rest of us enjoying a meal and a few drinks, and a catch up with various family members, some playing pool, others having a natter- a really nice day [for all concerned], lets hope for a sunnier day in September?!!
Mark came in carrying a present for me, a glorious and beautiful feather!! Thankyou, it really is absolutely appreciated mate.
It is now quite obvious that certain family members don't see themselves as such, minimal contact with anyone, missing out on two of the kids recent birthday do's, not attending a wedding last year, not going to my Mums special birthday meal and now not bothering with the family meet up.
I think it is a shame for their kids, who really miss out on these special days. But some people live in a closed off little bubble I suppose. I only hope that one day they don't regret their decision to keep their children away from these fun times.
Saying that, it is a decision that they have obviously thought through, so I respect their decision, and wish them well.
Family meet up, happy children. |
Everything you experience mirrors a part of you.
Click PLAY this !!!
Ishi |
I am not sure if there will be an entry next month, depends on the move really- but I will catch up soon.
Be well, hope everyone had a fantastic May?
Lets hope for better weather in June, where we can all get out and about every single day to soak up some much needed vitamin D, and reconnect with mother earth and all she has to offer.
I hope that wherever you may find yourself that you do actually find yourself, and that you are blessed with sunshine, smiles and good health.
May every sunrise bring you hope and may every sunset bring you peace.
You are a good son, Bry.
ReplyDeletePeace, Eaglette