20. Ridiculous!
Time to empty my head as we welcome in July......
I am who I am, your approval is not needed! |
These fill me with sadness.
You have a choice, you have options, you can live your life on your terms. You can change jobs, work part time, ask for a better position where you work, leave ...people have become sheep, scared to go against the grain, to think, to act.
We are spiritual beings, yet act as if we are slaves!
Normal is people dragging themselves out of bed too early, getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work, use your petrol whilst driving through traffic in a car you are still paying for, in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes, petrol and car, and the house you leave empty all day so you can afford to live in it! You save a little each month so that you can escape this drudgery and have a holiday, where you sit and wonder what is going on back at work.
You get a job so that you can afford to live the life this incondite society has created for you, but then you spend all your time at work, and end up with no time to live the life you are working for!
It seems to me that the only way forward is to create your own life, not one mapped out for you. Life isn't about getting and having, it’s about giving and being.
The simple truth is, most of work just to get by. We work to make someone else rich, most of us will never get rich by working, plus- the more you earn, the more you spend!
So how do we get rich? Maybe by forgetting money altogether! We are [all of us] rich beyond measure, we have a life, we have as much freedom as we allow ourselves and each of us are a valuable and perfect human being who can tap into the deep personal and spiritual core of our souls, if and when we want to feel rich. Material things will never really make us happy, just create a fleeting moment of happiness. We need enough money to have a roof over our heads and food in our ever expanding bellies. The roof we choose and the food we eat, does NOT have to be the same as everyone else....we see everyone else struggling, is that really what we want for ourselves?
Just think of all the things in life that money can't buy... love, respect, happiness, inner peace, truth, honesty, time, manners, clouds, integrity, trust, an enlightened person, patience, sunshine, good karma, wisdom, decent friends, sunsets, sunrises, tolerance, compassion, meditation, hope, fresh air, beauty of nature, a hug, a babies smile, the colours of autumn, dreams, fresh snow, a starry night, laughter, an awakened mind, kindness, memories etc.
You can have some, or all of these things without spending a single penny, if we only learn to embrace the true wonders of humanity and accept what is really important.
We didn't always have this ridiculous hang up over [paper] money. Before THEY invented money people used what they owned. Gold, Barley, Beads and even salt were all a currency at one time. I think we should go back to a bartering system. When something is done out of love and respect, the idea of money exchange never enters your head.
But now we have people working too hard, even doing extra hours, seeing less of their loved ones, and experiencing less of life. What have we become?
Too many people buy things they don’t need with money they don't have to impress people they don’t know. Don’t be one of them. Stop buying stuff on impulse! Do not fool yourself into thinking wealth is measured in material objects. Manage your money wisely so your money does not manage you.
The 'freeman' movement, 'wake up britain' and 'anonymous' etc, make me laugh. I do admire them all, and some of what they say is interesting to me, I also think they have some very valid and well thought out points and ideas.
But it would seem that the large majority of their followers are probably just pent up people searching for some kind of validity, whilst doing the opposite, and playing right into the system. Very few of these people have the determination or even the balls to live by their convictions. Many still vote, most work, most pay income tax, drive a car, pay rent or a mortgage, pay council tax and are on the electoral role. They probably all register their childrens birth and some even get their kids christened! Some even get married in church, most give their signature away on the millions of forms we are supposed to fill in. They are taking out credit to buy a car or go on holiday, and pay all their so called 'bills'. Most would do anything the police ask of them as they don't really believe in admiralty law or common law, but they would like to!
Seriously, if you are working, saving in a bank, have a mortgage, pay road tax and income tax- then you ARE the system that you are trying to fight against!
Fuck the system, it is THEIR creation, not mine!
I have found that owning a house, paying the mortgage, has become a noose around my neck. It traps you, makes you continue to work full time, often in a job that does not feed your soul. It also traps you into living in one place, makes you feel unhappy and unhealthy and drains your spiritual energy. It isn't like that for everyone, but that is exactly how I feel.
Some people wait all day for 5pm, all week for Friday, all year for the holidays, all their lives for happiness. They allow themselves to become slaves. Don't be one of them. Don't wait until your life is almost over to realise how good it could have been. The good life begins right now, when you stop waiting for a better one. One day you will wake up and there won't be any more time to do the things you've always wanted. Do it now.
Your life is your own. Don’t waste it trying to be what others expect you to be. Don’t sacrifice your happiness to make everybody happy. Don’t give up on your dreams to build other people’s dreams.
If all of that sounds stupid to you, I would rather be ridiculous than normal. Change starts with you but it doesn't start until you do.
I am concerned that there are not enough people that will turn their heads away from X factor and involve themselves in what is REALLY happening outside the confines of their four walls, but since people stopped thinking, what else should they do? They are now incapable of any rational thought, or sometimes even a single original thought at all. This is now 'normal'.
If someone stopped you in the street today and said 'how do you feel about Big Pharma', what would your reply be?
Normal, to me, is TRYING to live as free as possible, living more out of the system than in, living off grid. Wearing what I want, rather than what most people buy from the half a dozen shit 'fashion' shops. Normal to me, is being me. Tattoos, piercings, music, poetry, meditation and my spiritual life are not influenced by anything that society/work/people and the system tries to impose on me.
Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.
A meaningful life is not being rich, popular, highly educated or perfect. It Is about being real, being humble, being strong and being able to share ourselves and touch the lives of others. It Is only then that we could have a full, happy and contented life.
Normal to me is being away from the madding crowd, doing my own thing and forgetting all the crap that attacks us from all sides, religion, politics, consumerism etc... I love to meditate and to be outside somewhere peaceful, that is where I feel most 'normal'.
Often people will not understand your way of life, or how and why you think the way you do, but thats fine, it isn't their journey you are on! Some will condemn you, as that seems to be an easy thing to do, rather than live and let live, it seems people are quick to judge something they have no idea about.
Even friends and sadly family, can be too quick to try and shit all over your life. It is a sad reflection of todays money grabbing, brain washed arseholes.
Peace and love will always win in the end, and your inner peace can create an invisibility cloak.
I think what is often wrong in this world is that people are afraid to say what they really feel, they hold it inside. We are slowly becoming very insular, afraid of our emotions, of being open and honest. Ask anyone how they are, the reply will be 'fine'. They are sad, but they don't cry. They are happy but they won't dance or sing. They are angry but won't scream. If they do any of these, they might feel ashamed or embarrassed- so everyone walks with their heads down and no one sees how beautiful the sky is.
People pay tax, they pay a TV license or fill in the census, they pay parking 'fines' and never question bank charges...they don't justify any of this, they have no need- they just plod on, slaving away, brain dead.
People seem to believe the media and politicians, we have been and are being fooled and treated like complete idiots. We are being lied to at every turn.
People choose to bury their heads in the sand, and have very little idea of what is going on around them. We are all part of this world, wake up!
People jump up and down over the likes of Gary Barlow and Jimmy Carr paying less tax than they should- that is how brainwashed people have become! The richest woman in the world, the queen, never used to pay ANY tax at all, she now pays a voluntary payment. There is NO LAW to say you must pay tax. The fact is people must be jealous of those that either don't pay tax, or have found a nice little loop hole...yet they will continue, brain dead!
When you wake up, you start to realise how fucking ridiculous this world is. However, waking up is clearly a choice it would seem!
What do most people know [or care] about Fracking, Chemtrails, GMOs, Fluoride, Monsanto, HAARP, Vaccinations, GCHQ, Fukushima, Big Pharma, Atos, Aspartame, Banks or politics.... not a lot is the answer.
Yet they know much more about so called celebrities and the complete bullshit they are fed via the television and newspapers!! But thats being 'normal'.
I would urge people to learn about/research/understand each of the things I have just mentioned, and many more, before they next post a photo of their dinner on Facebook, or veg out in front of their brain stealing televisions.
Isn't it time you woke up? Don't you owe it to yourself to understand the world you are living in?
[anyone interested could simply copy and paste any of the above into google, and wake up!]
Chilling in the park |
The mellow and the mad times, happy and sad. All this adds layers to your being and colourful depths to your soul. Everything needed to be as it was, so that you could grow into who you are and will be.
Each new sun, each new day is a gift to be cherished...and lived.
Remember the good times and learn from the bad. Enjoy living your life your way, find peace and follow your bliss.
Click this...safe in place [for Lore] -x-
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. |
Click the above. Daughter, are a new band [to me]. I have been playing them non-stop this week. They have loads of vids on You Tube... Daughter on Facebook
Here is something new [and amazing] for you, his name is Ed Alleyne-Johnson, you can find him on you tube... Shine on
Far too talented for the likes of Britains got talent etc, well worth a listen. Ed on Facebook
In the sunshine at Farmoor reservoir |
Follow your dreams- or you'll spend the rest of your life working for someone who did.
Question- How did Jesus find people called Peter, John, Mark, David, James, Matthew, Andrew, Philip, Thomas and Simon- in the middle east?
Me and my dog soaking up all mother earth has to give us, feeling blessed. |
1, If you read newspapers, stop now.
2, If you watch the mainstream news, again STOP!
3, If you can imagine a different way of life for yourself- go for it.
4, If you didn't spend some time in nature today, hang your head in shame!
5, Turn off everything electronic, and have a think how to simplify your life.
6, Ask yourself, do you work because of the love of it, or for money?
7, How can you live by spending less? Maybe even earning less?
8, Stop watching TV, just for one week. Talk, walk, live. Sit under the stars.
9, Pull a sickie from work, walk barefoot on the land, and do some soul searching.
10, Wake up, the info is out there.
11, Do something different today, go somewhere new, start a hobby.
12, Meditate or think deeply about life and what you REALLY want to get out of it.
13, Treat yourself. Have a crazy spending day, a new tattoo, a huge cake, something new to wear?
14, Think of yourself in a week, then a month, then a year. How will your life move on, how will you have grown, where will you be and what might you be doing?
15, Plan a trip, a break and evening out- but somewhere new and interesting.
16, Pick 5 places to visit, and aim to spend a day in each of these places over the next 6 months.
17, Throw your TV in the bin!
18, Buy some new books, go to an evening class, or do something that challenges you.
19, Try to catch as many sunrises/sunsets as you can this next month.
20, Turn your mobile phone off, even just for one day!
Be Yourself !!! |
Walking on water! |
Bodhi is proving himself to be a real outdoors dog, perfect for me! BE RIDICULOUS! |
So, I actually made a doctors appointment. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition [my doc called it a degenerative disease], it would seem that mine has accelerated recently.
So I am now on much stronger painkillers and they have upped the strength of the anti inflammatories as well.
Things are better, not great, but better. My mornings are definitely the worst, it seems to take ages before I can do very much and I am often still in pain for the first few hours.
The truth is, I am pissed off with it really. Getting up in pain and remembering to take various meds throughout the day. I think I have been fooling myself into thinking that it will go one of these days, it is hard to think that this is now the way things are.
But I have to be positive and put it to the back of my mind as much as I can. I can't do all the things I used to be able to do- but I can still do a lot, and I intend to live life to the full. Fuck you Osteoarthritis !!!!!!!!
So things are a little better, the sun is shining, and I have walking to do!
The queen on a train...oh, hang on- its my Mum !!!! |
Full steam ahead! |
Dick |
She doesn't like surprises, but text me later that day to thank me for an experience that she will 'never ever forget', bless her.
The place itself is quite cool, if you are into that kind of thing, there is a museum, tea rooms, miniature train rides, full size steam locos, a shop and model railway.
It is littered with old signage and billboards and the whole setting is really pleasant. Worth a visit really, you can even wear a silly hat and look like a complete dick!
I thought I would just mention the complete shit that sometimes goes on with certain people on Facebook. Facebook has [for me] become a necessary evil in todays society. For keeping in touch, it has become peoples main choice, even texting or calling less, due to the fact that we are able to send a quick message to each other.
I really enjoy keeping up with what is happening in my friends and families lives, but certain things drive me mad, the constant silly posts, which people know [or would if their brain worked] are not true, it is full of silly hoaxes and spam bullshit.
There is also the fact that it has become the brain deads playground, I read some nasty and unnecessary posts and comments, and people sometimes feel the need to share really inappropriate stuff.
You may recall that last year, Facebook even banned me, thanks to a family member! Nice eh?
I have recently been trying to find out how someone in the family is doing, health wise. I put a short message on the boys mothers wall, just asking what the hospital has said, and this was deleted! No message, no comment- just deleted!
Two days later, I was blocked and deleted! I'm heartbroken!
Sadly, it means that this person is no longer a member of the 'family meet up' group, tells its own story I suppose?
Two days later, I was blocked and deleted! I'm heartbroken!
Sadly, it means that this person is no longer a member of the 'family meet up' group, tells its own story I suppose?
Things like this frustrate me no end, although I have come to expect certain people to behave like this! Don't waste words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.
So, I think that once I am in my motorhome, I shall have to have a good clear out of my Facebook, and only keep people that are interesting to me, or that I feel I have a strong connection with. So the morons of the world will fade away, allowing me time to connect with decent and intelligent people, rather than having to wade through a mountain of shit before something interesting crops up!
As I say, Facebook does seem to have two sides to it, and I love feeling connected with family and some close friends, I love seeing their photos, and hearing what they have been up to and seeing the places they go to. I have connected with some old friends too, which is fantastic. But a lot of stuff on Facebook is crap which takes time to either try and avoid, report or skip by, it also sometimes takes head space!
How many hours do you spend in the natural world each day?
Bodhi is doing very well, and seems to be very settled here with me. He makes me laugh every single day, some of the silly things he gets up to!
He really is a great little dog, I can say that I love my little pogonophile to bits. He loves to be outside, we walk every single day come rain or shine. On Friday 27th June, we both got a good soaking, after leaving in the sunshine, the sky opened up, although I was probably only a mile from home, I was soaked to the skin- right through my clothing! Sometimes we have a series of short walks, other times we go on a bit of a treck. He seems very content out in the woods and fields, and will walk his legs off.
He comes back every time I have let him off the lead and generally seems to be a happy little dog, still a way to go with his confidence, but we are getting there.
I can't stand being indoors, life is too short to sit at home, so we are very well matched. I will make sure he has a happy life, is well travelled, and knows just how much he is loved.
Sometimes, when he is outside, I go upstairs and hide. He comes rushing up, looking everywhere for me. When he finally finds me, he stamps his front feet- asking me to chase him! I am learning to read him quite well now.
He still loves to be brushed and is really happy to get in the car. He loves every single dog he has met, although he isn't too keen on certain people at first, it takes him a while to find his confidence, but he has such a sweet nature, not a bad bone in his body.
He desperately wants to catch a fly or moth, but he is crap at it. It keeps him happy and busy for ages just trying to catch the little bastards!!
I think [and hope] that dogs take after their owners, so hopefully he will be a laid back little boy- although I shall go mad if he comes back home covered in tattoos and piercings!!
I have only had him for 7 weeks, but I couldn't imagine life without him now!
Someone called me 'a right rebel' the other day. What does that even mean? I am not sure why and when I asked, she replied 'just look at you'.
As I say, I'm not 'normal', infact I'm quite ridiculous, but we live a ridiculous life, so I probably do fit in quite well really?!
As I say, Facebook does seem to have two sides to it, and I love feeling connected with family and some close friends, I love seeing their photos, and hearing what they have been up to and seeing the places they go to. I have connected with some old friends too, which is fantastic. But a lot of stuff on Facebook is crap which takes time to either try and avoid, report or skip by, it also sometimes takes head space!
![]() |
Trippy Peace |
How many hours do you spend in the natural world each day?
Spend some time each day outside, giving thanks -x- |
Bodhi is doing very well, and seems to be very settled here with me. He makes me laugh every single day, some of the silly things he gets up to!
He really is a great little dog, I can say that I love my little pogonophile to bits. He loves to be outside, we walk every single day come rain or shine. On Friday 27th June, we both got a good soaking, after leaving in the sunshine, the sky opened up, although I was probably only a mile from home, I was soaked to the skin- right through my clothing! Sometimes we have a series of short walks, other times we go on a bit of a treck. He seems very content out in the woods and fields, and will walk his legs off.
He comes back every time I have let him off the lead and generally seems to be a happy little dog, still a way to go with his confidence, but we are getting there.
I can't stand being indoors, life is too short to sit at home, so we are very well matched. I will make sure he has a happy life, is well travelled, and knows just how much he is loved.
Sometimes, when he is outside, I go upstairs and hide. He comes rushing up, looking everywhere for me. When he finally finds me, he stamps his front feet- asking me to chase him! I am learning to read him quite well now.
He still loves to be brushed and is really happy to get in the car. He loves every single dog he has met, although he isn't too keen on certain people at first, it takes him a while to find his confidence, but he has such a sweet nature, not a bad bone in his body.
He desperately wants to catch a fly or moth, but he is crap at it. It keeps him happy and busy for ages just trying to catch the little bastards!!
I think [and hope] that dogs take after their owners, so hopefully he will be a laid back little boy- although I shall go mad if he comes back home covered in tattoos and piercings!!
I have only had him for 7 weeks, but I couldn't imagine life without him now!
Fun and relaxing times |
Me |
Someone called me 'a right rebel' the other day. What does that even mean? I am not sure why and when I asked, she replied 'just look at you'.
As I say, I'm not 'normal', infact I'm quite ridiculous, but we live a ridiculous life, so I probably do fit in quite well really?!
I'm still not sure what she was referring to, but if being a 'rebel' is being yourself, then yes- thats me. I can only see 3 different types of people around me, the slaves, the sheep and the free.
The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be....the slave, the sheep or the free- you decide.
But it got me to thinking...
The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be....the slave, the sheep or the free- you decide.
But it got me to thinking...
Rebellion is when you look society in the face and say I understand who you want me to be, but I'm going to show you who I actually am.
The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion, Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.
To me, I think as we age, we become more comfortable in our own skin, the middle and the last part of life is a spiritual concern where you find your own ataraxia. You need to find a context to put your life into, that will allow you to go through it with as much grace and balance as possible, even if there is rebellion and adventure and exploration and resistance.
To me, I think as we age, we become more comfortable in our own skin, the middle and the last part of life is a spiritual concern where you find your own ataraxia. You need to find a context to put your life into, that will allow you to go through it with as much grace and balance as possible, even if there is rebellion and adventure and exploration and resistance.
Naturally, we could all toe the line, wear beige, don't stand up for what we believe in, live life set by someone elses rules, believe in the system and become a slave to it. We could simply lose ourselves and fade away, but how fucking boring would that be?
Celebrate Life. |
This once that we are here should be an amazing time, we should be blessed to live each day, each second of every day.
Don't let the actions of others make you cold and bitter on the inside, learn from it, there are arseholes in this world, allow them to be exactly that and move on past them towards decent people with love in their hearts. You will attract decent people to you, if you are a decent person. If you are an arsehole, don't be surprised if all around you are arseholes.
Wake up in the morning and do what you feel is right, follow your dreams and above all, just be yourself. The peace you seek is already inside, let the barriers down, show yourself in all your glory and be the type of person that you want to meet. Who are you when no one's watching?
Some people will judge you, even though they have no right. But that says more about them than it ever could about you. They might have formed an opinion through stories they have heard about you, but they have never felt what you feel in your heart.
The people who are meant to be in your life will always gravitate back towards you, no matter how far you or they wander.
But, sometimes, we have to allow some people to distance themselves, even let them go, so that we can continue on our journey and continue to grow. We can do this safe in the knowledge that we tried. Somethings are not meant to be... but there are a lot of 'somethings' out there.
So please, know yourself, be yourself, and allow the universe to guide you and attract like minded souls towards you. Souls recognise each other by the way they feel, not by how they look or what they say.
Fact: Some people will better your life by being in it, while others will better it by staying out.
Sometimes you meet someone, and it’s so clear that the two of you, on some level belong together. As lovers, or as friends, or as family, or as something entirely different. You just work, whether you understand one another or you're in love or you're partners in crime. You meet these people throughout your life, out of nowhere, under the strangest circumstances, and they help you feel alive. I don't know if that makes me believe in coincidence, or fate, or sheer blind luck, but it definitely makes me believe in something.
Personally, I have found that by really being myself in this fucked up world, that slightly alternative type people have gravitated towards me, which I am more than happy about, as these people have lived a life, have a story to tell, and are the decent honest people that my heart seeks, even if they are considered to be 'rebels'.
Ridiculous........ |
If you don't fight for what you want, don't cry for what you lost!
Very ridiculous! It is good to be able to laugh at ourselves and not to take things too seriously, none of us will get out of this alive! |
There is only one success: to be able to
spend your life in your own way.
Bodhi, enjoying his new life with me -x- |
A present from my sister, Thanks Gill. This will look cool in my new home -x- |
All in all my June has been pretty good. Although I started the month in a lot of pain, the new meds seem to be helping a lot [most of the time].
I have still been out and about every day, and enjoyed being in nature as much as possible. Wherever we may come alive, that is the area in which we are spiritual. People often say that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder,' and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realising that you are the beholder. This empowers us to find beauty in places where others have not dared to look, including inside ourselves.
The sunshine on my skin each day really makes me feel alive, even the rain has its own kind of magic. It is so nice to see the trees all plump with their greenness after a miserable long and wet winter. The floods from a few months ago are now a distant memory, apart from in the grass which is lush and vibrant green this summer.
I have really enjoyed the quiet early morning walks, there is something very satisfying about going out early wearing just a t shirt, safe in the knowledge that your dick won't drop off in the cold whilst soaking up the views and allowing my mind to wander in silent reverie. I really love seeing all the wildlife, the wild flowers, and especially the beautiful trees. At every turn there is something different and wonderful to see, this time of the year is made to be outside as much as you possibly can.
The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it. The truest saying ever must be 'time spent in nature, is never wasted time'.
Naturally the weather forecasters have predicted some terrible storms and issued a number of 'severe weather warnings', as they like to do. We have had [I think] 5 days of rain this month, 25 days of either fantastic or pretty decent weather! The one true storm we had this month was fantastic, thunder and beautiful blue lightning- lasting for hours. I laid on my bed with the curtains wide open, savouring every second. Bodhi showed me he is just a little puppy after all, burying his head under my armpit, and needing buckets of reassurance, bless him!
Obviously I have been on a steam train this month, something new to me!
I have also been to a few different woods, lanes and other places with Bodhi, it is so nice seeing him progress into a happy little soul. I think he enjoys soaking up the views as much as me!
One late evening found me and him walking along the ridgeway til about 11pm, it was warm still, and we were blessed to see a lovely orange and red sunset, my camera doesn't do colours very well, so no point in a poor quality photo on here, but my eyes and my heart saw it.
Its nice being up so high, and seeing the day settle into night over the valley, and the air as it cools down and softly blows over my hot skin is wonderful.
I have woken very early this month, often at 5:30am. But if the day is nice or looks like it will be a nice day, then an early start is fine with me. There is something magical about waking up as the day is also waking up, the air is clean and pure, and the sky is often magnificent.
I love greeting the morning sunshine, seeing the birds full of life and generally being out there, right amongst it all.
I completely did my Mums garden for her, including all the pots, weeding, mowing and rubbish removal.
Sadly I didn't hear from anyone in the family about any ideas they may have to help her, so I don't know what will happen now. But, for now, she is happy and proud of her colourful little space.
I'm not sure I have the energy, but she would still like a wooden fence erected, also she wants her new side fence and gate creosoted, if anyone wants to help?
Also, anyone fancy spraying some weed killer on the brambles in her back garden? She cut her face on the bloody things, and is worried her little dog might get cut. Maybe someone could strim them down?
The front gravel area also needs weedkiller sprayed on it.
A nice thing that someone could do for her would be to take her to Southsea for the day, or even just a few hours. She has asked me to look at coach trips there, she wants to take Toby along the beach for an hour. I'm sure she would like it if someone could drive her, or maybe go on the coach with her, just to help her on and off, and give her some company? Obviously any week day or even a weekend would be fine with her. Anyone fancy it?
Also, she would love a tower [like the council displays] in her front garden. Either metal or wood. That way, she would only need the one display, and could actually reach it to weed and water it. You know the sort of thing, large round at the base, with two more rounds each getting smaller!
Anyone have any ideas, please?
She has had a lot of trouble with her hip and knee during this month, and even got me to take her to look at some disabled 'carts'. She is worrying about being housebound once I am off on my travels. She would need a little shed built at the side of her place, if she was to ever get one...but this is not something I can easily do or afford at the moment. Again, I would ask the family if they can suggest anything, please?
She had to cope for two days without her mobile phone- and was crawling the walls, bless her! She said she felt miserable without it, it is her lifeline....and there was me thinking it was just dead head teenagers with their heads bowed towards their phones every 2 minutes!!!
So yeah, a pretty good month. However, I dearly wish that I was somewhere else! I can't wait to move on now, I never tend to settle for too long, and this place has more than worn out its welcome!
I find this town to be one long bore, there is very little here for me on a spiritual level, if the sun shines and I feel like a walk, I have to head out of the town. There are some nice places once you leave this drab place behind.
The UK has approx 2000 towns, 5000 villages, 60 plus cities, plus lots of beaches, countryside areas, hamlets, woods and forests. Why would anyone want to be stuck in just one place?
Most* of my stuff has been sold, given away or thrown away now, and the house is actually quite empty. It is no longer a home.
I really miss my meditation room. Obviously I still meditate, but it isn't the same. Most of my stuff is boxed up and stored away. I dream of the day I can put everything around me once more, certain things are good for the soul on a deep spiritual level- and I really do miss those things, A LOT.
Perhaps in my next blog I will be in my Motorhome?! Lets hope so!
I am actually getting quite excited now and during the long hours of insomnia, I often imagine decorating the inside of my new home, and imagine how it will look and feel. I want to get away from it all, have some solitude and be able to breathe, to move, to live.
I really want to get back into my meditation -and will have a little sacred place in my motorhome. I also want to do more Japa walking, get back to writing poetry, do my terrible drumming, read some books, take photos and maybe even make videos of my journey...and life!
You don't need to ask me to keep you as a friend on Facebook, those that are decent and interesting will be staying. But it is getting towards the time where I need to delete a lot of groups and pages that I am in, and get rid of the brain dead
As you know, I am going to simplify my life, this is just one more step I need to take.
If you like this blog, pop your email into the box [top left] and you will get an email when I next write, thanks! -x-
The pic below was taken on Friday 13th in Chilton, Oxfordshire. I just happened upon this glorious site. I posted the pic on Facebook, and the following day my spiritual brother Stu [and man of the earth], felt compelled to go there, and took even better photos! The following day saw at least 4 other friends visiting this magical and inspirational field. Proof that nature connects.
Did you find the 'follow Bry' button?
The things I have seen, the places I have been, the energy I have felt. Not once have they been found indoors! |
A like minded soul- 20 mins long tho!
I could have written this....well worth 6 mins?
If you only have time to watch one of these, firstly that is a great shame, you should ask yourself why, but if time is a problem for you- please watch the 6 min vid, it is so worth your 6 minutes...
May every sunrise bring you hope and may every sunset bring you peace. Be well, enjoy your July. Keep being ridiculous [or a rebel, if that fits!]
PEACE -x- The Quiet Storm...click this.
Contracts have now been signed, my completion date is just around the corner!!!!! EXCITED!!!
There is a bit of a delay, due to my buyers buyers solicitor being a slow arsehole! But there is light at the end of the tunnel, maybe a few more weeks- then I'll be dust !!!
I may not blog next month, depends on where I am, my internet access, and if I can be bothered!
I shall be very busy from now on- but all in a very good cause. Wish me luck. Don't forget to add your Email address top left, and you will get a notification when I next blog. Thankyou for taking the time to read my blogs, it does mean a lot to me. See you on the other side. -x-x-x
*FAMILY:- If there is anything you want/need, give me a bell please THIS WEEK, I need to get shot of a lot of things, also- if anyone has a couple of hours spare and would like to give me a hand, I would really appreciate it, thankyou -x-
I have managed to creosote Mums side fence and gate, and I am working on a shed for her [if she gets a mobility scooter]
One other thing- once I get the motorhome, does anyone have any carpet/rugs/mats or carpet tiles they don't want, please? Also, any sheets, single or double will be cool? Thankyou -x-
A cool tune...
...and another!
...and a third!