I am not ready to sell as yet...but this is another step in the right direction.
It seems, that I will have to carry on working for possibly 2 more years when/if I sell the house and buy a Motorhome. Once I sell the house, pay the fees, pay off my debts and purchase the Motorhome, I won't have a great deal left. However, I do have quite a lot of stuff to sell, which I might be able to make around a grand or so. Once in the Motorhome, I will have no council tax, water rates, gas or electricity to worry about.
I have also now told all those that really matter in my life what I intend to do. Some of them think I am a little crazy [they are right], but I think they all understand. I have never fitted into this life, after many years of trying. I think those that truly understand me probably expected me to do something a little different from what everyone else does.
My next step is to decorate each room, that will be in September. I also need to tidy the garden and complete a few small jobs.
I have very little money though, and need new tyres on my car, plus the MOT and tax are due in December. But I shall keep plodding on, crossing things off my mental list...
Anyway, today has been another small step forwards. -x-
As I unclutter my life, I free myself to answer the callings of my soul. The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create.
What is it with me and work, that I seem to bring out the
bullshit from bosses?
I may be a bit of a ‘maverick’, I suppose. But I am OK, a
decent person, reasonably intelligent, someone who picks things up easily and
someone who tries his best.
Yet, over the years, I have had to deal with all kinds of
‘official’ crap from various jobs, including being given all manner of verbal
warnings, written warnings, letters of conversations, suspension,
investigations, even being sacked! I have had loads of final warnings about my
conduct etc....
So, is it me? Is it them, or simply that I don’t [and can’t]
fit into their little sad robot ways? I admit that I find it difficult to
conform- does that make me a bad person?
I can be outspoken and I can disagree at times, but on the
whole, I believe that I always try to do a good job. So my thought today is
maybe I don’t! Maybe I am a right pain in their arse?
I am not one to bow down to authority, and I freely admit
that a job [any job] is just a temporary nuisance in my life, a necessary
I am always looking for an alternative to working for a
living, prostituting myself and being a slave to the wage... maybe I somehow show this side of me, without knowing?
We share the same sun and sleep under the same moon. Lets stop trying to be better than each other. Peace -x-
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