To be honest 2013 wasn't a great year for me, for many reasons, which makes me more determined that 2014 WILL be much much better.
Happy new year everyone, make it YOUR year!!! -x-x
Well, we survived December, more importantly we survived the silly season especially that
Judging from some of the comments on my Facebook over the past couple of weeks, it seems that people still don't understand or accept that many people refuse to take part in celebrating christmas. I haven't bothered with it for many years now, yet peoples comments seem to imply that either I should be bothering, or I must be mad!
To be honest, I think the madness comes from the people spending a fortune, eating their own body weight in food they don't want or need, shopping like crazy and swallowing the media bullshit!
I will never understand why someone would buy a TV, Laptop, kindle etc...when, if they waited just 24 hours- they would get it for half price!
I couldn't be cooped up in a centrally heated house all over xmas/consumermas/giftmas, with a bunch of people all doing the same. I think winter is a wonderful time to get out walking and taking photos, it is so nice to feel the winter sunshine on your skin and if we are blessed with snow- it is even better!
It is just one day, a normal day for me, that only 2 billion people celebrate- meaning that over 5 billion don't!
I accept and respect peoples views and their decision to celebrate it, if they want to....but I'm with the majority who don't.
Each of us tend to look at life from our own point of view. For many of us it is difficult to even conceive that there is more than one valid way of seeing things – we think we are always right! That leads to an endless variety of disagreements, quarrels, and disharmony which make work and personal life difficult. Spiritually, there is a seed of truth in every viewpoint. When we genuinely recognize that truth, we find other people becoming reasonable and amenable to our way of thinking or to a better alternative that neither of us even thought of before. Taking the other person’s point of view is a spiritual method that expands your soul and makes other people respond positively to you. Taking the other’s viewpoint is a Spiritual Skill.
I hope everyone has had a nice relaxing time off of work, and is looking forward to a happier, healthier and better new year. I wish you all well, follow your dreams and make 2014 really count.
I intend NOT to drag anything negative from the last year into this new year. If something no longer serves us, we should have the conviction to let it go. Life is what you make it, it is also about moving on.
Life is very short, and for those that intend to sit around watching TV again all year, or those that seem to be intent on working every available second they get --- When you are on your death bed, what would you wish for? A little more time perhaps? To work more or watch more TV?
I see the world as a wondrous place, my place. I have lived 51 years and the things I would like to experience, and the places I would like to go...well, I would easily need another 51 years!!
Religion is belief in someone else's experience- Spirituality is having your own experience.
Looking through my blog, I have mentioned I want to work
less and live more a few times. What do I mean by this? Well, I see people all
around me working maybe 40 hours a week, rushing about to get there on time,
often not really enjoying what they do, not earning what they feel they are
worth, perhaps feeling fed up, tired and unappreciated …then they do it all
over again next week- and the next!!!
They call it ‘earning a living’. But are you really living,
whilst you are stuck in traffic, being reprimanded and treated like a slave.
You prostitute yourself for a few quid an hour, not feeling fulfilled or happy,
missing your kids, your partner or friends, the things you enjoy, your
hobby…your life!
How can it be making a living, when you come home tired and
all you want is a shower some food and some sleep. Is this living?
To me, the sums speak for themselves;
If [once in the motorhome] I earnt say £300.00.
Mortgage/Rent = nil
Water rates =
= nil thanks to solar panels.
= say £10 a week?
Council tax =
I would have the usual to pay, food, fuel, internet and
phone. But I would pay that no matter where I lived.
I think, to work for a week or two, and have a month or two off,
now THAT would be living. Work less, live more!
Like I have said before, this is a shame, but I suppose we
have to respect and accept that this is what they want. I will admit that I have
found this incredibly hard to do, but finally- I am getting the message.
Sometimes you don't need to hear their excuses or what they have to say for themselves because their actions already spoke the truth. Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows. The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross, and which to burn. However, I believe in giving people many more chances than they deserve, but once I'm done, I'm done! No point in throwing your love at a brick wall.
Sometimes you don't need to hear their excuses or what they have to say for themselves because their actions already spoke the truth. Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows. The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross, and which to burn. However, I believe in giving people many more chances than they deserve, but once I'm done, I'm done! No point in throwing your love at a brick wall.
Those who don't understand your silence, will never understand your words!
My December was actually pretty good, my car surprised and pleased me by passing the MOT needing only 2 new tyres! Quite a shock as it looks like it is held together with rust!!
My Mum is improving every day, she went from hardly walking a single step to hobbling around on two crutches, to walking steadily with one stick, to not using any sticks indoors! She is a fighter and a very determined woman.
All this means that I now need to spend less time over at her place helping her out, which is very welcome news for me. I obviously don't mind helping her, but the place is so hot, and she refuses to wear her new hearing aids, so every time I come back from there I have a banging headache where I have been shouting the same sentence to her over and over again!
I am arranging a meal for her 80th birthday towards the end of this month with approx 30 people, which should be a lovely memory making day for her. So hopefully she will have a happy and pleasant day, it will also be nice to gather together most of her family and a few of her close friends to share and celebrate this special day.
I am also trying to arrange a family get together every May, Sept and Jan. I think that will be nice, especially for my Mum and all the kids together. I have set up a Facebook group, to make it easier for everyone.
Some of the family get together over xmas, but not all. I think having a chance to get to one or more little gatherings would be great for everyone.
I think getting together at xmas is fine for those who celebrate it, but no one has a huge house, plus at that time of year there is the cooking, clearing up, present buying etc... so these 3 dates should/could see all my brothers, sister, nieces and nephews plus their kids there, and no washing up!
My Mum is improving every day, she went from hardly walking a single step to hobbling around on two crutches, to walking steadily with one stick, to not using any sticks indoors! She is a fighter and a very determined woman.
All this means that I now need to spend less time over at her place helping her out, which is very welcome news for me. I obviously don't mind helping her, but the place is so hot, and she refuses to wear her new hearing aids, so every time I come back from there I have a banging headache where I have been shouting the same sentence to her over and over again!
I am arranging a meal for her 80th birthday towards the end of this month with approx 30 people, which should be a lovely memory making day for her. So hopefully she will have a happy and pleasant day, it will also be nice to gather together most of her family and a few of her close friends to share and celebrate this special day.
I am also trying to arrange a family get together every May, Sept and Jan. I think that will be nice, especially for my Mum and all the kids together. I have set up a Facebook group, to make it easier for everyone.
Some of the family get together over xmas, but not all. I think having a chance to get to one or more little gatherings would be great for everyone.
I think getting together at xmas is fine for those who celebrate it, but no one has a huge house, plus at that time of year there is the cooking, clearing up, present buying etc... so these 3 dates should/could see all my brothers, sister, nieces and nephews plus their kids there, and no washing up!
I have spent equal amounts of my time taking advantage of the mild December weather whilst out walking, plus sorting through quite a bit of my 'stuff', selling some bits, and throwing away some bits.
Still a way to go- but I am getting there, and would hope that January will bring me plenty of time to myself so that I can put the house on the market in February...which could mean that spring time will see me darting off to new adventures!!!
We are blessed to start this new year with a new moon, which is actually quite rare!
When the Moon is new, the Sun and Moon are aligned in the same sign, and a powerful energy portal is opened. New moons are a great time to set intentions for things you'd like to create, develop, cultivate, make manifest.
There are many ways to initiate this communion with the Universe from lighting a candle to elaborate rituals.
What matters is that you're committing yourself to your vision, and open to receiving guidance, healing, support from the cosmos.
This could be a great year to bring real change into your lives, if you want it. We will have two new moons to kick start the year, the 1st and the 30th. A great time for change and for mapping out what you want to achieve this year. All good stuff.
Still a way to go- but I am getting there, and would hope that January will bring me plenty of time to myself so that I can put the house on the market in February...which could mean that spring time will see me darting off to new adventures!!!
We are blessed to start this new year with a new moon, which is actually quite rare!
When the Moon is new, the Sun and Moon are aligned in the same sign, and a powerful energy portal is opened. New moons are a great time to set intentions for things you'd like to create, develop, cultivate, make manifest.
There are many ways to initiate this communion with the Universe from lighting a candle to elaborate rituals.
What matters is that you're committing yourself to your vision, and open to receiving guidance, healing, support from the cosmos.
This could be a great year to bring real change into your lives, if you want it. We will have two new moons to kick start the year, the 1st and the 30th. A great time for change and for mapping out what you want to achieve this year. All good stuff.
Peace -x-
Saudade |
I live my life MY way, and to be honest- fuck everyone else. This is my journey...a spiritual wanderer...When you’re walking, your senses are alert. You are truly alive.
You notice curious birds hovering overhead, a blade of grass fluttering in the breeze, the sounds of a trickling stream, the shape of the cloud, and the way the wind ripples the water on the lake.
You will marvel at how the combination of all these things on this particular day at this particular moment will never again be repeated in the entire history of the universe in quite the same way, and feel so grateful.
Others may be making the same journey as you, but the paths they choose to the top may be different. They’ll see different things, and experience the day uniquely. No one will ever experience this moment in the same way as you.
That could easily be said about ALL of your life. Like many, I made the mistake of thinking the outside ‘things’ made me happy, but I realised that true happiness comes from within. Which is why I meditate. Meditation keeps me centred and level, therefore I can deal with anything that comes my way in a calm measured way. I'm a Buddhist, a hippy, Pagan, dreamer, Lightworker, Meditator, Author and spiritual wanderer. I am awake. I am Wanderlust.
You might find these useful....
So, a new year, new beginnings and fresh starts. I hope this year brings only good things, for everyone. To each member of my family, and to my wonderful friends... I wish you all:-
12 Months of Happiness,
I have been watching a few videos on YouTube about 'yeards', basically it is blokes growing a beard for a whole year, just to see what it might look like. This has made me curious. The past few years I have had a little grey/white squirrels tail hanging off of my chin!
I have grown a couple of gingery-brown beards in my time, and now I am curious to know what it might look like now, will it be all grey or browny-grey? Straight or straggely?
So, I might give this a go, I say might because I am so might last a month, a year or just a few days- lets see......
Also, I am thinking of giving up smoking! I am not sure when, but will keep you informed. Be well.
Peace -x-
12 Months of Happiness,
52 Weeks of Fun,
365 Days Success,
8760 Hours Good Health,
52600 Minutes Good Luck,
3153600 Seconds of Joy
365 Days Success,
8760 Hours Good Health,
52600 Minutes Good Luck,
3153600 Seconds of Joy
A Relaxed Mind, A Peaceful Soul, A Joyful Spirit, A Healthy
Body & Heart full of Love -x-
2014 |
I have grown a couple of gingery-brown beards in my time, and now I am curious to know what it might look like now, will it be all grey or browny-grey? Straight or straggely?
So, I might give this a go, I say might because I am so might last a month, a year or just a few days- lets see......
Also, I am thinking of giving up smoking! I am not sure when, but will keep you informed. Be well.
Peace -x-
I’m the dust upon
forgotten books
useless blood on fishing hooks
long lost songs and poetry
the tiny things people never see.
I’m the lost, forgotten and dead
and everything no one has ever said
I’m years wasted, minutes lost
melted snow; forgotten frost.
I’m every treasure ever sold
I’m every secret never told
deserted paths where no one goes
the empty insides no one shows.
I’m weary hands and tired eyes
I’m blackened hearts and hidden skies
I'm wanderlust with few regrets
lost lullabies and silhouettes.
I’m raindrops left upon the ground
treasures lost and never found
I’m needles used and thrown away
summer dreams from yesterday.
I’m all the cheaters, all the liars
I’m all the dreamers, all the criers
I am autumn’s fallen leaves
I am why a family grieves.
I am love and I am lust
I am tears and broken trust
useless blood on fishing hooks
long lost songs and poetry
the tiny things people never see.
I’m the lost, forgotten and dead
and everything no one has ever said
I’m years wasted, minutes lost
melted snow; forgotten frost.
I’m every treasure ever sold
I’m every secret never told
deserted paths where no one goes
the empty insides no one shows.
I’m weary hands and tired eyes
I’m blackened hearts and hidden skies
I'm wanderlust with few regrets
lost lullabies and silhouettes.
I’m raindrops left upon the ground
treasures lost and never found
I’m needles used and thrown away
summer dreams from yesterday.
I’m all the cheaters, all the liars
I’m all the dreamers, all the criers
I am autumn’s fallen leaves
I am why a family grieves.
I am love and I am lust
I am tears and broken trust
I am whispers in the
an Indian spirit burning bright.
an Indian spirit burning bright.
I am the world your
heart needs to find
and the quiet storm in the back of your mind
I’m memories, old friends, and recognition
but the one thing I am not is superstition.
and the quiet storm in the back of your mind
I’m memories, old friends, and recognition
but the one thing I am not is superstition.
I’m that question
deep in your brain
the one who knows
we’re just dust and rain
I’m the poet handy
with his fist
who takes the word
and gives it a twist.
I’m too much but
never enough
I turn to Ishi when things get tough
I’m the sky spirit
far above
the stars and clouds
and snow white dove.
I’m the feather along the way
a spiritual wanderer every
I am kiss the sky
the alien prophet or
just plain Bry.
But, you know, that all these things
teaches us what they bring
yes, all these things that you ignore
amount to something much, much more.
teaches us what they bring
yes, all these things that you ignore
amount to something much, much more.
~Bry Fox 2013
Thoughts from within...Just a few things to think about;
Live your life for you not for anyone else. Don’t let the fear of being judged, rejected or disliked stop you from being yourself. Often it is difficult to actually be yourself, we are pressured by society to be and look a certain way, to do certain things...but it is not societys life you are living- it is YOURS!
I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do. We are not sheep and should have no wish to be sheep, we should accept and love ourselves for being unique and original.
You have your way, I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist. Follow your own path and find your place in the world, it is good to look at other peoples opinions as long as you remember there is no right way, just the way that is right for you.
Peace is not something you wish for. It’s something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give away ~PEACE! -x-
Have a beautiful, magical, perfect and blessed new year,
be healthy and be happy.
Thankyou for taking the time to read my shit
and remember...
it doesn't matter what troubles and problems found you last year,
there is no need to drag them into this year,
this is a new year- make it YOUR year!
2014- the year of change,
2014- the year of the beard!!!
See you in February.
Lots of love ~Bry -x-