I have been trying to think of other ideas, I have considered selling up, and buying a mobile home on a park. They are quite costly these days to buy, but I would be mortgage free [or there abouts!]. I would still need to work, and probably be just as skint as I currently am.
If I was to do this, I wouldn't live anywhere near to where I am right now, which would mean a change of job, getting to know a new area, and kitting it out in my own style etc.
But, I could simply end up as I am, just in another place. I would have to keep the car, for visiting family and friends... and what if I didn't like the area or the neighbours after a time? That 'stuck' feeling would just follow me about, as it has for years.
A house boat would be nice, but that comes with its own problems. Again, they are expensive.
A caravan and something to pull it also appeals to me. But to go shopping, visiting or to work would leave the caravan at the mercy of any dickhead that passes by.
So, still thinking all of this through. I like the look and the idea of a Motorhome.
I would need to get my house valued properly, before I made any decision. Then I would need to sell a lot of my stuff, and start thinking what I NEED to take, rather than what I WANT to take.
I would also need somewhere to park it whilst I save some cash, and that would give me the time to kit it out with a burner etc.
At the moment this all sounds too much hassle, but also very exciting!!!!!!!!!
Well, so far, the few people [about half a dozen] that I have told about my potential plans, seem to think that its a good idea. Most say 'go for it'.
I think there is a bit of a nomadic traveller streak in all of us really. I have been classed as a 'Hippy' forever, so the life of a new age traveller really appeals to me. I can see myself being happy living this new life, and life really should be all about happiness, shouldn't it?
Today, I have been doing a little research, looking at park-ups, thinking about Motorhomes and the lay out that would work for me. I have watched a few videos about living off grid, doing washing, cooking etc. I have even been working out what it is likely to cost me to buy a Motorhome, kit it out as I require it, and even worked out the likely yearly cost, if I am to pursue this travelling life.
The more I think of it, the more real it becomes!!
I think, when I have the time and energy, I will spend the weekends tidying and decorating my house, then I shall be ready to have it valued...then make a firm decision.
Wherever you go - go with all your heart. Peace -x-
A free thinker A free spirit feeling trapped in this bullshit 'society' http://www.gofundme.com/The-Ramblings-of-Bry
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Sunday, 17 March 2013
3, Thinking...
So, what are these momentous decisions that I need to think
Well, it is actually quite simple. I work full time, yet
have very little to show for it, I find myself struggling financially more and
more as the years roll by. I have cut back on so many things that it now feels
I am cutting back on life itself!
How much longer can I survive, and what more can I do
It seems to me, that no matter what I do, life is getting
more and more ridiculous. We are now [at best] just getting by. My question to
myself is: Is this what life is all about? Money and bills?
So, I tighten my belt a little more, cut back once again,
some days I have been so skint that the question is do I heat or eat. I can’t
afford to do both. Fuck this, this is 2013, and we are living like this!!!
So, the big questions for me is how do I get out of this
rut, what can I do, how do I do it, and finally am I strong enough?
My [half a] plan is this:-
1, Sell my house
2, Buy a Motorhome
3, Live in the Motorhome for a year, and still work fulltime
4, Save as much as possible
5, Jack in work, and travel
6, Live a more simple life on the road
It sounds so simple and maybe it is. I won’t know until I
try. I will [at this rate] lose the house eventually anyway, so this way, I
come out on top, and do what I want to do.
Naturally a life spent travelling will bring its own
complications, water and electricity will be short at times, I will have to
ration whatever cash I have BUT…I will taste freedom each and every day. No
more mortgage, no council tax or water rates… no getting up for work.
I could meditate, walk, take photos, read, write in my blog,
spend time doing whatever I feel like and answering to no one!
So, that is kind of my plan. I need to really sit and think
about this much more, do some research, and ask myself is this really what I
want… time will tell.
I'm sure this life wouldn't be for everyone, but I have always been on the edge of society, or felt that somehow I don't really 'belong'.
We have to pigeon hole and label everything, so I can do that first. If I do this, I would be called a new age traveller, a title that sits OK with me. I personally think of the word traveller as a Gypsy, so new age traveller suits this lifestyle a little more. I tend to think of it in these terms: Spiritual wanderer or perhaps freedom seeker.
I'm sure this life wouldn't be for everyone, but I have always been on the edge of society, or felt that somehow I don't really 'belong'.
We have to pigeon hole and label everything, so I can do that first. If I do this, I would be called a new age traveller, a title that sits OK with me. I personally think of the word traveller as a Gypsy, so new age traveller suits this lifestyle a little more. I tend to think of it in these terms: Spiritual wanderer or perhaps freedom seeker.
The first step to living the life you want
Is leaving the life you don’t want.
Taking the first step forward
Is always the hardest
But then with each step forward
Gets easier and easier
And each step forward gets
You closer and closer
Until eventually
What had once been invisible
Starts to become visible
And what had once felt impossible
Starts to feel possible.
Peace -x-
Peace -x-
Saturday, 16 March 2013
2, Photos of me...
Looking through some older pics of me, I guess I have never fitted into what is sometimes referred to as the mainstream!
But I turned out OK, in the end....
But I turned out OK, in the end....
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Welcome friends to the ramblings of Bry, a blog about my life, my thoughts, the lessons I have learn't etc...

So, today's thought is quite simple? WHY?
Why are we living the way we are, we seem to be fighting to pay bills, struggling to survive, working hard, worrying about the future...Why?
So [March 2013], I am slowly starting to think of a different way of living, living a life rather than feeling forced to comply. At the moment I exist, I don't live. I have been bumping along from month to month, trying to survive this crazy rat race...its not working, for me, for all of us!
So what is next for me.... I have some serious thinking to do.
I hope you will join me, as I walk through this life? Save this blog into your favourites...
Obviously the comments and thoughts contained within this blog of mine are MINE, just spewing the crap out of my head. I am not for one minute thinking that you will agree with everything I say, and I wouldn't expect you to. But, this is my blog, where I will be writing about various topics as time moves on, if you disagree or feel uncomfortable then LEAVE, simple as that.
Saying that, for those that choose to stick around- you might enjoy my ramblings/photos/poems and whatever else I decide to add to this blog.
This is going to be a very slow start, until I figure out how to change the way I am currently living my life, so stick with me and I will update if/when I can.
Wherever you go- go with all your heart -x-
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Also, please feel free to leave me a comment, I'd love to hear from you. Just click the 'comment' below -thankyou! Peace -x-
So, today's thought is quite simple? WHY?
Why are we living the way we are, we seem to be fighting to pay bills, struggling to survive, working hard, worrying about the future...Why?
So [March 2013], I am slowly starting to think of a different way of living, living a life rather than feeling forced to comply. At the moment I exist, I don't live. I have been bumping along from month to month, trying to survive this crazy rat race...its not working, for me, for all of us!
So what is next for me.... I have some serious thinking to do.
I hope you will join me, as I walk through this life? Save this blog into your favourites...
Obviously the comments and thoughts contained within this blog of mine are MINE, just spewing the crap out of my head. I am not for one minute thinking that you will agree with everything I say, and I wouldn't expect you to. But, this is my blog, where I will be writing about various topics as time moves on, if you disagree or feel uncomfortable then LEAVE, simple as that.
Saying that, for those that choose to stick around- you might enjoy my ramblings/photos/poems and whatever else I decide to add to this blog.
This is going to be a very slow start, until I figure out how to change the way I am currently living my life, so stick with me and I will update if/when I can.
Wherever you go- go with all your heart -x-
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Also, please feel free to leave me a comment, I'd love to hear from you. Just click the 'comment' below -thankyou! Peace -x-
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